Design is a funny thing. You think you can do without it until the sofa doesn’t fit or your customers have spot lights in their faces. The entrée’ comes with a full view of the bus station or the living room is designed around a jumbo screen-console-gaming-everything. Seriously? Where are the dominoes? When was the last time you spent quality time with your children and is that in the design plan? It’s all in the blink of an eye. Your first time customer….do they come back? Your kids….what will they remember? Poof. I’ve designed many a place and take my word for it: if you don’t know your purpose, your quirks, your desires, your trademark, your customer’s sweet spot or your family’s style….you need me. Together we will build your vision into a package complete with stuff talked about years from today. Do you have fresh flowers at the front door or are you waiting for hell to freeze over? I’ll show you how to pick one leaf. In short: I will find you the resources and exhibit the dedication to illustrate your own unique dream even within a limited budget. Give me a try. I won’t disappoint.

Carolyn Robbins
